Communication Sector:
Stand by power station of Nagaa Azzooz central
Stand by power station of El kalahin central
Stand by power station of Elwaf central
Stand by power station of Bakaft industrial zone central
Stand by power station of Karam Imran central
Stand by power station of Elhogyrat central
Stand by power station of Awlad omar central
Stand by power station of Dandara central
Banking Sector:
Development and agriculture credit bank (26) generators for bank branches
Water and waste water treatment sector:
Farshot waste water booster pumping station
New Tiba waste water booster pumping station
The station sewage (6) Built Stations in Qen
Water plant In the Industrial zone klagyn
Armant waste water booster pumping station
Al Rawag and Altarf waste water booster pumping station
Industry and Tourism Sector:
Walton company
Steamer Golden